Today we were up at an eye watering 5am which is 4am England time! The picture is the sun rising over their outdoor arenas. We loaded all our tents and ponies and were on the road by 6am. After 12 hours driving we finally reached our overnight stop  in Vienna. Having upset quite a few German people on the way (they are not very good at waiting patiently) and attracted crowds of people wanting to look at the ponies at every stop. It's been a long day and Kiera, Ann and I have spent our time playing Cleudo, watching DVDs on my laptop and playing snap (which has annoyed Mum and Julie quite a bit!). We are staying at the Magna Racino race course which is amazing! Ponies are doing brilliantly and we have a short drive tomorrow afternoon to reach the show ground. It is seriously hot and humid here so glad we clipped Jasper. More news tomorrow.