Been a lovely sunny weekend so been driving Sarah and then after dropping my sister off at work and running to Tescos we were rushing around back home hitching the trailer on and driving to my instructer Judes yard just up the road to pick Jasper up from his week of schooling with her. What an improvement! Ok hes still not Totalis but he is much better then he was! I love riding him after Jude, its like hes been tuned up. Very glad to have him home. But him being home is also a complete pain as while Sarah has been out on loan my very unhorsey dad has filled Sarahs stable up with stuff. Just before she came back my mum and I decided that her stable is much nicer than Jaspers and as I already mentioned swapped them over, putting all dads stuff in Jaspers old stable. This now means we have 2 ponies sharing one stable which is a nightmare for me as I seem to be mucking out all the time!